
Round 13, Turn 1: "Babylonia" with Jennifer

0:00:00 - Introduction: Welcome Jennifer, the Board Game Pioneer
0:07:41 - Game Night: Babylonia, Merchant's Cove, Terraforming Mars, Quest, El Grande,  Panamax, Estates, Paris
0:23:25 - This Week's Board Game News - GI Joe Deck Builder; Architects of the West Kingdom: Works of Wonder; Divinus; Hunt or Be Hunted: Cryptid Urban Legends; Maharaja; Cardboard Creations: Andean Abyss.
0:41:03 - Games on the Brain: Astroneer, No Man Sky, Quest, Battlestar Galactica, Avalon, Alubari, Snowdonia
0:56:02 - Review of Babylonia
1:21:11 - Getting Competitive: Hallertau, Agricola, Paladins of the West Kingdom, Le Havre, Terraforming Mars
1:51:45 - Board Game Sommelier: Netrunner, Santorini, War Chest, Arboretum, The Grizzled, Red 7, Through the Desert, Samurai, Watergate, Res Arcana, 7 Wonders.
1:56:10 - Sign Off: Mayveena You Tube Channel