Round 4, Turn 7: "Trismegistus" with Jake
00:00:00 - Introduction: Co-Hosts Jake Shapiro and Trey Alsup
- New email:
00:09:10 - Game Night
- Trismegistus
- Barrage
- Avalon
00:14:40 - Game News
00:46:15 - Games on the Brain
00:51:00 - Game Review: Trismegistus: The Ultimate Formula
01:20:35 - Jake's Segment - Gaming with kids
01:48:16 - Game Sommelier -
- Newton
- Castles of Burgundy
- Grand Austria Hotel
- Fields of Arle
- Patchwork
- All Creatures Big & Small
- Twilight Struggle
- Roads & Boats
- Antiquity
- BGG Game Design Forums:
- Age of Steam
- First Snow of Winter