Round 5, Turn 5: "Everdell" with Jake and Dmitry
- 0:00:00 - Introduction: Casual Gamer Jake and Non-Gamer Dmitry
- 0:01:57 - This Week's Game Night
- 1862 (0:02:35)
- Pipeline, Everdell, Concordia, Tichu
- Throw, Throw Burrito (0:04:19)
- Food Chain Magnate Ketchup Expansion (0:07:42)
- Ricochet Robohs, Jaws (0:14:57)
- 0:15:38 - News of the Week
- Shout Out to Efka from No Pun Included: Sidereal Confluence, Now Boarding
- Fantasy Flight Interactive RPG Layoffs (0:18:17)
- Afternova (0:21:06)
- Traintopia (0:22:19)
- Ride the Rails (0:22:31)
- Irish Gauge, Age of Steam
- Dune
- Pacific Rails, Inc. (0:27:30)
- The Shining (0:29:50)
- Marvel United Miniature Game (0:31:18)
- 0:32:48 - Games on the Brain
- Johnny Trigger iPhone App (0:33:05)
- Age of Steam Moon Map (0:33:35)
- City of the Big Shoulders (0:35:20
- 1862 (0:37:18)
- Food Chain Magnate (0:38:24)
- 0:39:58 - 8X8 Challenge
- 0:40:18 - Review of Everdell
- Crystal Palace
- Terraforming Mars
- 1:12:36 - Favorite Game Themes and Laser Sharks
- Resistance, Avalon (1:13:25)
- Terraforming Mars (1:14:48)
- Gaia Project, Terra Mystica (1:16:34)
- Traveler, Dungeons and Dragons (1:18:30)
- Agricola (1:20:45)
- Trickerion (1:23:15)
- Bus (1:23:45)
- Avalon, Tichu (1:24:33)
- Time’s Up, Wavelength (1:25:30)
- Barrage (1:26:00)
- Dune, Rex, War is the Ring (1:27:08)
- Marvel Heroes (1:28:35)
- Kremlin (1:29:17)
- Eclipse (1:29:42)
- Greed, Inc. (1:30:09)
- Gallerist, Sheriff of Nottingham, Estates (1:31:16)
- Junta, Die Macher (1:31:38)
- High Frontier, Space Alert (1:32:52)
- Container (1:35:55)
- Kanban (1:36:22)
- 1:37:00 - Game Sommelier
- Pico 2 (1:40:17)
- Welcome To (1:41:20)
- Time's Up (1:42:15)
- Clans of Caledonia, Acquire, Mombasa (1:45:10)
- 1:46:37 - Sign-Off