Round 5, Turn 8: "Ora Et Labora" with Elder
- 0:00:00 - Introduction: Welcome Professor Elder
- 0:02:07 - This Week’s Game Night
- Tribune (0:02:40)
- Avalon (0:03:26)
- Praise (0:04:15)
- Hansa Teutonica (0:10:38)
- Terra Mystica, Gaia Project, Eclipse
- Clans of Caledonia (0:13:00)
- Parks (0:14:34)
- 0:15:17 - This Week’s News
- Wuhan Corona Virus and Other Chinese Exports
- Polygon Best Boardgames to Buy at Target (0:20:00)
- Seven Wonders, a Fake Artist Goes to NY, Azul, Catan Jr, Cards Against Humanity, Coup, Furglars, King Domino, Pandemic, Sagrada, Telestrations, Disney Villainess, Magic the Gathering Game Night, Dungeons and Dragons.
- Santorini
- Wakanda Forever
- On Mars
- Jaws
- Castles of Tuscany and Game Franchising (0:25:23)
- Castles of Burgundy
- Marco Polo 2
- Puerto Rico
- Merlin
- Nusfjord
- Year of the Dragon
- Trajan
- Bora Bora
- Carpe Diem
- Paladins of the West Kingdom
- Architects of the West Kingdom
- Raiders of the West Kingdom
- Rocket Men Kickstarter (0:34:10)
- Wild Lands
- Terraforming Mars
- On Mars
- The First Martians
- High Frontier
- Leaving Earth
- Oath Print and Play (0:37:24)
- A War of Whispers (0:41:00)
- Alma Mater (0:44:10)
- WATU: Western Approaches Technical Unit, A Game of Birds and Wolves (0:45:06)
- 0:50:05 - Games on the Brain
- On Mars
- Diplomacy (0:52:58)
- 0:55:00 - 8x8 Challenge
- 0:55:30 - Review of Ora et Labora
- Agricola
- Bonanza
- Le Havre
- At the Gates of Luanne
- Farmers on the Moor
- 1:25:57 - Our Favorite Thing: Resource Management
- Alta Plano
- Power Grid
- Bonanza
- Terraforming Mars
- Keyflower
- Barrage
- Roads and Boats
- Antiquity
- 1:49:44 Board Game Sommelier
- Balancing Old and New Games
- Color Coding Your Library
- Announcing a Theme Night
- Randomizing App
- Culling Your Collection
- Medium to Heavy 5 Player Games (1:55:00)
- Taj Mahal, Shogun, Wallenstein, El Grande, Santiago, Terraforming Mars, Le Havre, Nations, Indonesia, Die Macher, Aman Ray, Princes of Florence, Puerto Rico
- 01:59:50 - Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners
- 02:00:30 - Sign Off