Round 6, Turn 3: "Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy" with Paul
- 0:00:00 - Welcome Paul the Game Breaker
- 0:02:01 - This Week’s Game Night
- Ora et Labora, Hansa Teutonica (0:04:00)
- Eclipse: Second Dawn is the Galaxy (0:04:56)
- Avalon, Oceans, Railroad Revolution (0:05:16)
- Avalon, Eclipse, Jaws (0:10:00)
- 0:13:17 - This Week’s News
- Coronavirus Convention Cancellation
- Planner Kickstarter Marketing Hijinks (0:13:54)
- Maharajah (0:16:16)
- Geekopolis (0:18:57)
- The Shining (0:19:57)
- Back to the Future: Back in Time (0:22:31)
- Burger Academy (0:23:05)
- Die Crew (0:25:50)
- Tang Garden (0:27:26)
- Pictionary Air (0:28:22)
- 2020 Geekmadness Tournament (0:31:18)
- Regium Automated Chessboard (0:32:13)
- 0:36:25 - Games on the Brain
- Weight Loss Challenge (0:37:28)
- Oceans (0:41:19)
- Pandemic (0:42:58)
- 0:47:41 - 8X8 Challenge
- 0:47:55 - Review of Eclipse: Second Dawn of the Galaxy
- 1:17:15 - Expansions!
- Eclipse: Rise of the Ancients
- Railroad Revolution (1:20:19)
- Tzolkien: Tribes and Prophets (1:21:41)
- Agricola: Farmers on the Moor (1:22:39)
- Tribune (1:23:25)
- Catan Cities and Knights (1:27:31)
- Eclipse: Rise of the Ancients
- Wingspan (1:29:19)
- Battlestar Galactica Pegasus (1:29:55)
- Terraforming Mars Colonies; Prelude (1:31:18)
- Through the Ages
- Terraforming Mars Prelude (1:32:24)
- Dominion Prosperity (1:33:26)
- Dominion Alchemy, Seaside
- Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport (1:34:44)
- Viticulture: Tuscany
- Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm
- Agricola: Farmers on the Moor
- Seven Wonders: Leaders
- Seven Wonders: Cities
- Power Grid: China, Concordia, Age of Steam: Korea, China; Russian Railroads
- Lorenzo (1:40:55)
- 1:42:14 - Board Game Sommelier
- Quartermaster General, Friedrich, Memoir 44, Twilight Struggle
- Root, Eclipse, War of the Ring, Risk
- Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage
- Undaunted: Normandy
- Nemo’s War
- Churchill
- Just One, Time’s Up, Undaunted: Normandy, Watergate, Cryptid
- Decrypto, Balderdash, Avalon, Time’s Up: Title Recall, Wavelength, The Mind, Sleuth, Ricochet Robots, Cockroach Poker, Tichu, Codenames, Jaws,
- Twilight Struggle, Cuba Libre
- 1:59:26 - Sign Off