Round 6, Turn 4: "Railroad Evolution" with Ben
- 0:00:00 - Introduction: Welcome Ben, The Opinionated Gamer
- 0:12:08 - This Week’s Game Night
- Railroad Evolution
- Die Macher (0:14:05)
- Table Top Simulator
- 0:30:47 - This Week’s Game News
- Verdun: Steel Inferno
- Robinson Crusoe (0:31:51)
- The Treasure Chest (0:32:25)
- Million Dollar Script (0:33:48)
- Pax Pamir 2nd Ed. reprint Kickstarter (0:36:03)
- Stick’em (0:37:27)
- Twilight Struggle Red Sea: Conflict in the Horn of Africa (0:42:31)
- Conquest and Consequence (0:43:56)
- Triumph and Tragedy
- Maria
- Churchill
- Friedrich
- Dominant Species: Marine (0:45:22)
- Vampire Masquerade: Vendetta (0:48:37)
- Labyrinth: War on Terror on Steam (0:53:18)
- Mystic Bale on Switch (0:54:10)
- 0:56:24 - Games on the Brain
- Weight Loss Challenge
- Pandemic: Pandemic Legacy, Season 1 (0:59:28)
- Food Chain Magnate (1:00:33)
Ketchup Expansion, Noodles, Sushi, Apartments
- 1:08:47 - Review of Railroad Revolution: Railroad Evolution
- Madeira, Nippon, Lude Island, Chung Kuo
- 1:39:30 - Changing People’s Minds About Games
- Six Men Morris, Just One, Medici
- Wingspan
- Catan
- Concordia
- Pipeline
- Everdell
- Pandemic
- Modern Art
- Ra
- Survive
- Jaws
- Lords of Vegas
- Ticket to Ride
- Splendor
- On the Underground
- K2
- Cartehena
- Battlestar Galactica
- Indonesia
- Dead of Winter
- 1:57:35 - Board Game Sommelier
- City of Big Shoulders
- 1862
- 1822
- 1830
- 1889
- 1849: Sicilian Railways
- Scythe, Terraforming Mars
- Twilight Struggle
- Key to the City: London
- Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective
- Detective
- Tragedy Looper
- Letters from Whitechapel
- Great Zimbabwe
- Roads and Boats
- Railways of the World
- Pandemic Legacy
- 2:17:23 - Sign Off