Round 6, Turn 6: "Oceans" with Trey
- 0:00:00 - Introduction: Welcome Trey, the Game Designer
- 0:08:04 - This Week's Game Night
- The Crew
- Roads and Boats (0:15:02)
- Dwarf and Fortress
- Antiquity
- 0:21:14 - This Week's News
- Dune Expansion: Ixthians and Tlilaxu (0:21:36)
- Pandemic (0:26:12)
- Detective: Suburbia Free PDF from Portal Games (0:30:01)
- Gamma Game Publisher Crisis Initiative List (0:32:41)
- Jennifer's Post about Table Top Simulator DLCs (0:38:28)
- Wingspan, Scythe, Viticulture
- Lacerda v Pfister
- Oceans, Agricola, Game of Thrones
- Through the Ages IOS
- 0:48:20 - Games on the Brain
- Game of Thrones Card Game On Line (0:48:49)
- Love in the Time of Corona Discord LARPs (0:52:14)
- De Profundis RPG (0:53:25)
- Apocalypse 47 LARP in Zoom (0:57:55)
- 0:58:52 - 8x8 Challenge
- 0:59:14 - Strategy v Tactics
- Eclipse (1:04:03)
- 1830 (1:05:50)
- Food Chain Magnate (1:07:22)
- Roads and Boats, Antiquity
- Agricola (1:09:52)
- Ricochet Robots (1:12:07)
- Candy Land (1:17:17)
- Imperial (1:17:43)
- Oath (1:21:15)
- Terraforming Mars, Twilight Imperium, Gaia Project, Twilight Struggle (1:22:40)
- Through the Ages (1:26:02)
- Concordia, Feast for Odin, Puerto Rico (1:28:30)
- 1:31:50 - Review of Oceans
- Evolution
- Wingspan
- Primordial Soup
- 1:55:25 - Board Game Sommelier
- Architects of the West Kingdom, Scythe, Viticulture, Gunshone Clever, Seventh Continent, Sagrada, Agricola, Quacks of Quedlinberg, Wingspan
- Everdell
- Grand Austria Hotel
- Village
- Francis Drake
- Coimbra
- Oceans
- The Crew
- Taverns of Tiefenthal
- The Magnificent
- Res Arcana
- 2:05:13 - Sign Off