Round 6, Turn 7: "Die Macher" with Jesse
- 0:00:00 - Introduction: Welcome Jesse, the Analytical Gamer
- 0:01:54 - This Week's Game Night
- The Crew, Die Macher, Age of Steam
- Just One, Secret Hitler
- Pandemic Season 2: Legacy (0:06:29)
- Seafall (0:06:57)
- 0:12:50 - This Week's News
- Spirit Island: Jagged Earth (0:13:04)
- Gugon: Panjun (0:14:00)
- Blood on the Clocktower (0:17:11)
- John Carpenter's They Live: Assault on Cable 54 Kickstarter (0:18:13)
- Aquanauts Kickstarter (0:22:45)
- Free Print and Plays (0:26:17)
- Corinth
- C3I Magazine eBook: Battle for Moscow 2nd ed
- Frost Grave
- Osprey Publishing eBooks for Grognards: Blackbeard's Last Fight, Battle of Watterloo, etc.
- Imperial Settlers: Empire of the North, Hiroshima Next, Imperial Settlers Roll and Write, Pret a Porter, Explorers of the North Sea
- 0:29:14 - Games on the Brain
- The Crew, Pandemic Legacy
- Yellow and Yangtze (0:29:41)
- Tigris and Euphrates
- Samurai
- The Crew, Cards for American Mah Jong (0:32:45)
- Animal Crossing (0:35:00)
- 0:37:38 - 8x8 Challenge
- 0:38:13 - Die Macher Review
- 1:36:52 - Gaming Remotely
- Blood on the Clocktower
- Just One
- Secret Hitler
- Avalon
- Barrage
- 18xx
- Catan
- Tichu
- Bridge
- Agricola
- 1:51:31 - Board Game Sommelier
- Azul, King Domino, Patchwork
- Oceans, The Crew
- Everdell
- Detective
- Pandemic: Legacy
- 1:55:53 - Sign Off